The Mitato of Amorgos is an open group, involving in its activity people that share our vision and goals.
Its core team is formed by Giannis Gavalas, Maria Nomikou and Semeli Drymonitis.

Μαρία Νομικού

Maria Nomikou

Maria Nomikou was born and raised in Athens. As both her parents originated from Amorgos, she has been regularly visiting the island since her early childhood. She has studied Social Anthropology and worked in the tough yet emotionally tense field of unaccompanied minor refugees. In 2012, returning to her village of origin, she opened a café-bar where her grandfather’s tavern once used to stand. She has engaged into the organization of sports and cultural activities, especially during winter season, in order to motivate and offer opportunities for activity to people living permanently on the island of Amorgos.

Γιάννης Γαβαλάς

Giannis Gavalas

Giannis Gavalas, a true local of Amorgos, has known well the Amorgian countryside ever since his childhood, following his father at his agricultural work. A tireless man, he takes part in various groups on the island, without neglecting his family business or his other engagements. During the last few years, he is actively involved in community issues, particularly in the local council of Aegiali, Amorgos.

Σεμέλη Δρυμωνίτη

Semeli Drymonitis

Semeli Drymonitis was born in Alexandroupolis, raised in Athens and continued moving in various places in Greece and abroad. She has studied Architecture, Geography and Teaching and since 2014 she lives permanently on Amorgos. Her professional occupation with the hiking paths of the island, but, above all, her passion for its unique landscape, shaped by the simple, anonymous human labour, have motivated her to actively engage into its protection and promotion.