It was with great pleasure and pride pride that we attended the online award ceremony held on 18 May 2022, for the video contest “My project in 120 seconds” which forms part of the event Celebrate Islands , once more organised by the Conservatoire du Littoral of the French Republic, the PIM initiative and the small island network SMILO.

The aim of the project is to support the implementation of small projects for the conservation of islands of less than 150 km2, in line with the visions of the organisers.

In total, 16 projects from 7 countries took part and 6 awards of 4,000 € were awarded, two in each one of the three themes:

  • Preservation of marine ecosystems
  • Reduction of the impact of economic activities
  • Sustainable management of water resources

In addition, a public prize was awarded, chosen during an online voting procedure, which lasted from 11 to 17 May 2022.

Watch the award-winning video below

The participation of the Mitato of Amorgos


The Mitato of Amorgos participated and won first prize in the theme of Sustainable Management of Water Resouces with the project “The History of Water”, which is realised in collaboration with the Association for the Environment and Culture “Nissos Amorgos”.

The project unfolds in multiple layers and aims at restoring the water collection tank in one of the four natural springs in the area of Langada, but also at raising awareness within the local society and the visitors of Amorgos in regard to saving and sustainably managing this valuable natural resource.

The works will be realised in the autumn of 2022 and will initially consist of the restoration and insulation of the tank. Secondly, the surrounding area will be restored, clearing vegetation, building dry stone sustaining walls to halt erosion, incorporating plumbing for a possible future connection to a water network and paving the upper and lower open space.

Furthermore, informative lectures will be presented by guest speakers, as well as educational activities for the primary and secondary education students of the island.

We would like to thank everyone that supported the participation of the Mitato of Amorgos in the Celebrate Islands 2022 with their vote, as well as Evangelos Tzoumanekas – Island Videography for the creation of the video.



Participation in conference dedicated to the rural monuments of Tinos island (22-23 April 2023)

It was with great pleasure that we accepted the invitation of the newly formed association “Ambassada” in Tinos and we travelled to the “handmade island”, as Cornelius Castoriades has called it, on 22 and 23 April 2023, on the occasion of the conference “Rural Monuments of Tinos: humble buildings, jewels of the landscape”. The association “Ambassada” aims at raising awareness among the residents and visitors of Tinos island towards ...

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Ending 2022 with the completion of "The History of Water"

In December 2022, a beautiful project undertaken by the Mitato of Amorgos, in collaboration with “Nissos Amorgos” – Association for the Environment and Culture, was completed. “The History of Water” involved the restoration of the water tank in the area “Chorio”, outside the village of Langada on Amorgos Island. The works gave the organisers the opportunity to address water management issues through ...

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The Mitato of Amorgos participates in the 4th islander's forum (PAROS ISLAND, 28-30/10/2022)

The Mitato of Amorgos participated in the 4th Islanders’ Forum which was successfully organised by the Cyclades Preservation Fund (CPF) on the island of Paros, from 28 to 30 October 2022.
The Forum was attended by 45 participants, representing 30 organisations from 17 islands, from the Cyclades and beyond.
The presentations realised during the first two days aimed at introducing the people and organisations ...

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Dry Stone Workshop “The Amorgian Craftsmanship” 11 - 15 October 2021

We are happy to announce the Dry Stone Workshop “The Amorgian Craftsmanship”, organized by the Mitato of Amorgos from 11 to 15 October 2021 on Amorgos.
The purpose of the project is to promote dry stone masonry through the experience of local craftsmen, the passing of knowledge to the younger generation of professionals (builders, producers etc) and the presentation of the craft to a wider audience, emphasizing on pupils and youth...

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