It was with great pleasure that we accepted the invitation of the newly formed association “Ambassada” in Tinos and we travelled to the “handmade island”, as Cornelius Castoriades has called it, on 22 and 23 April 2023, on the occasion of the conference “Rural Monuments of Tinos: humble buildings, jewels of the landscape”.
The association “Ambassada” aims at raising awareness among the residents and visitors of Tinos island towards the importance of dry stone rural buildings and other structures, the unique identity of the land, the landscape and eventually the touristic product. During the lectures that were realised in Moschoulios Scholi in Chora (town of Tinos), the above mentioned goals were presented and further issues were discussed regarding the protection of rural monuments, their reuse according to modern needs but also respect towards the land, the impact of other modern works, and of course the deep concern about the danger of irreversible damage to the unique character of the island due to touristic development.
The lectures examined various aspects of these topics, historical elements, examples of management, conservation and promotion of rural monuments, as well as the connection with other fields such as tourism and the legal frame.
The Mitato of Amorgos’ founding members Semeli Drymonitis and Maria Nomikou presented the lecture “The projects of the Mitato of Amorgos as means of promoting cultural heritage and their economic and social dimensions”.The three main projects that the Mitato of Amorgos has completed were presented, discussing the goals and results of each one, as well as general conclusions and plans for the future.
The program of the event also included a hiking tour in the area of Falatados, which was guided by professional mountain guide and member of “Ambassada”, Manthos Prelorentzos. Having a bright sunny day on our side, we had the chance to wander in the beautiful nature of Tinos, enjoy the peaceful landscape surrounded by creeks and oak trees, and to get to know the organisers and other participants.
We wholeheartedly thank the association “Ambassada” for honouring us with their invitation, the excellent organisation of the event and their love and devotion to their island.
Ending 2022 with the completion of "The History of Water"
In December 2022, a beautiful project undertaken by the Mitato of Amorgos, in collaboration with “Nissos Amorgos” – Association for the Environment and Culture, was completed. “The History of Water” involved the restoration of the water tank in the area “Chorio”, outside the village of Langada on Amorgos Island. The works gave the organisers the opportunity to address water management issues through ...
read moreThe Mitato of Amorgos participates in the 4th islander's forum (PAROS ISLAND, 28-30/10/2022)
The Mitato of Amorgos participated in the 4th Islanders’ Forum which was successfully organised by the Cyclades Preservation Fund (CPF) on the island of Paros, from 28 to 30 October 2022.
The Forum was attended by 45 participants, representing 30 organisations from 17 islands, from the Cyclades and beyond.
The presentations realised during the first two days aimed at introducing the people and organisations ...
Another succesful completion of the Dry Stone Workshop "The Amorgian Craftmanship" for the second consecutive year
This year, from 10 to 14 October 2022, three local masons, with the assistance of 35 participants that attended the works on site, have created 14 new cobblestone “kadenes” (steps), with a total length of 33 metres, and restored 10 parts of sustaining dry stone walls, with a total length of 39.30 metres.
read more2nd Dry Stone Workshop “The Amorgian Craftsmanship” 10-14 october 2022
The Mitato of Amorgos is extremely pleased to announce the 2nd Dry Stone Workshop “The Amorgian Craftsmanship”, taking place from 10 to 14 October 2022 on Amorgos.
Following the great success of the 1nd Dry Stone Workshop in October 2021, which was realised under the auspices of ...
“The history of water” wins first prize at the celebrate islands 2022 contest
It was with great pleasure and pride pride that we attended the online award ceremony held on 18 May 2022, for the video contest “My project in 120 seconds” which forms part of the event Celebrate Islands , once more organised by ...
read moreCompletion of the dry stone workshop “The Amorgian craftsmanship”
The first Dry Stone Workshop “The Amorgian Craftsmanship” was successfully completed on Friday 15 October 2021. The Workshop was organized in the area of Langada by the Mitato of Amorgos, a group whose goal is the preservation of the natural and cultural environment of Amorgos and the Cyclades in general.
During the Workshop, four local craftsmen ...
Participation in the 17th International Congress on Dry Stone Walling, Kovanle, Croatia 2021
The International Scientific Society for Dry Stone Interdisciplinary Study (SPS) organized the 17th International Congress on Dry Stone Walling in Kovanle, Croatia, from 1 to 3 October 2021. The event was realized in continuation to...
read moreDry Stone Workshop “The Amorgian Craftsmanship” 11 - 15 October 2021
We are happy to announce the Dry Stone Workshop “The Amorgian Craftsmanship”, organized by the Mitato of Amorgos from 11 to 15 October 2021 on Amorgos.
The purpose of the project is to promote dry stone masonry through the experience of local craftsmen, the passing of knowledge to the younger generation of professionals (builders, producers etc) and the presentation of the craft to a wider audience, emphasizing on pupils and youth...
Participation in the Social Dynamo empowerment program of Bodossaki Foundation
We are very proud and happy that The Mitato of Amorgos has been selected among the 44 environmental organizations to participate in the Empowerment Program of the Social Dynamo initiative of Bodossaki Foundation.
read morePath clearing – Cultural route 2, Chora-Katapola
On 28 February 2021, a beautiful sunny day and as a farewell to winter, we organized the clearing of path number 2, between Chora and Katapola.
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