We are happy to announce the Dry Stone Workshop “The Amorgian Craftsmanship”, organized by the Mitato of Amorgos from 11 to 15 October 2021 on Amorgos.

The purpose of the project is to promote dry stone masonry through the experience of local craftsmen, the passing of knowledge to the younger generation of professionals (builders, producers etc) and the presentation of the craft to a wider audience, emphasizing on pupils and youth. The goal is to familiarize the public with dry stone structures and their multidimensional importance, as well as the interpretation of the island landscape, as it has been shaped by such elements.

Dry stone masonry, which refers to building with stones without connecting material, has been registered in the Greek National Index of Intangible Cultural Heritage since 2015, while in 2018 it was registered in the UNESCO Tentative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage (UNESCO, 2003). These two milestones stress the importance of dry stone and its international recognition as a cultural element worth preserving and promoting.

Amorgos Island provides an excellent case of a Cycladic island where tradition and tourism have developed a balanced coexistence. Many elements of local tradition still survive on the island and represent a significant part of its touristic product. A prime attraction is the path network of Amorgos, as hiking tourism contributes significantly to local economy. In this context, the conservation and promotion of the Amorgian landscape, with its multitude of paths, terraces, rural buildings, windmills and wells, present a main priority. On the other hand, the dry and rocky character of the island imposed the construction of terraces in the past, in order to support survival for its inhabitants. Neglect of this practice has led to results that are already visible, such as gradual desertification, inability in retaining water and soil but also the occasional closure of paths. Combining the above parameters, raising awareness among island residents and authorities towards the importance of dry stone masonry is considered essential, along with the recognition of stone masons themselves and their work.

The Dry Stone Workshop “The Amorgian Craftsmanship” will be realized on three axes.
  • The first axis will consist of the restoration of a part of dry stone sustaining walls. The selected site is at a section of marked path 4 of the path network of Amorgos, outside the village of Stroumbos in the area of Langada.
  • The second axis will take place in the above area of intervention and will include the practical part of the Dry Stone Workshop. This will be held from 11 to 15 October 2021 and will involve the main restoration works of dry stone structures. The works will be led by three local craftsmen and will be realized with the contribution of participating apprentices. During the Workshop, the high school students of Amorgos will visit the site of restoration.
  • The third axis will include the theoretical part of the Dry Stone Workshop, with lectures presented by speakers specialized in various sectors of the study of dry stone, traditional crafts and terraces. Speeches will be presented in the evening hours and will be open to the public. They will be also presented at the High School of Amorgos during school hours.

For more information and registrations, please contact us:
info@mitato-amorgos.com  |  +30 6932 889003 (Maria)  |  +30 6944 326036 (Semeli)

The Dry Stone Workshop “The Amorgian Craftsmanship” is sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Sport, the Secretariat-General of the Aegean and Island Policy, Blue Star Ferries, and it is realized with the support of Cyclades Preservation Fund and under the auspices of the Municipality of Amorgos.

Complete schedule of the Workshop:

9:00 am. Site (outside the settlement of Stroumbos):

Mrs Eleni Pangratiou-Alexaki, architect: Basic principles for the construction of dry stone walls. Accompanying lecture of Mr Dimitrios Lagos, builder-stone mason.

Beginning of site works on location and dry stone apprenticeship: Restoration of dry stone structures (sustaining walls) and path improvement works.

18:30. Old school of Langada:
Welcome and greetings. Official inauguration of works.

8:15 am. Amorgos High School (Chora):
Presentation of lectures from guest speakers to the high school students of Amorgos. 

9:00 am. Site: Dry stone structure restoration works / dry stone apprenticeship. Student visit to the site.

18:30. Old school of Langada: Lectures (open to the public).

  • Rigas Zafeiriou, coordinator of the programmes on Kythera Island (Kythera Trails, Terra Kytheria), Mediterranean Institute for Nature and Anthropos (MedINA). The wisdom of tradition: The environmental value of dry stone complexes in the Mediterranean ecosystems.
  • P. Kostoulas, G. Koutropoulos, architects, “Boulouki” itinerant workshop. “In place – on the road”: The itinerant workshop approach for the traditional building techniques.
  • Dr T. Petanidou, Professor, Department of Geography, University of the Aegean. The project LIFE TERRACESCAPE: too ambitious to succeed?
  • Dr I. Papaeftychiou, Dr architect. International dry stone practices. Dry stone structures in Greece.

9:00 am. Site: Dry stone structure restoration works / dry stone apprenticeship. 

9:00 am. Site: Dry stone structure restoration works / dry stone apprenticeship. 

18:30. Old school of Langada: Lectures (open to the public).

  • Andreas S. Maniatis, Member of the Board of Directors of the non-profit association "Blossoming Stones". The Blossoming Stones and the masonry of Langadians: An example of reviving an empirical craft related to sustainable local development.
  • Ioannis P. Lagos, President of the Panhellenic Confederation of Social Economy Unions.  Forest Social Cooperatives: A driver of growth for local economy.
  • Dr V. Metallinou, Dr architect. The elegy of stone on the highlands of Aegiali, Amorgos.

9:00 am.Site: Dry stone structure restoration works / dry stone apprenticeship. 

18:30. Old school of Langada:
Closing ceremony.


Another successful completion of the Dry Stone Workshop “The Amorgian Craftrsmanship”!

Friday 25 October 2024 marked the completion of the 3rd Dry Stone Workshop “The Amorgian Craftrsmanship”, organised by the Mitato of Amorgos.

The project was concluded in complete success, with 40 participants and 18 guest speakers, masons and representatives of administrative and citizen bodies from eight islands, as well as the rest of Greece and abroad...

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